Authentic Media Podcast
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Podcast Production by: Julia McCall
Authentic Media Podcast
Plan Less, Surrender More: My Burnout to Breakthrough Story ft. Jessica Savard | Ep #2
In this episode, Danielle J. Martin sits down with her best friend, Jessica Harvey Savard. Danielle opens up about the intense pressures and emotional journey she faced while preparing for and hosting the Rise & Thrive Conference. She candidly shares her struggles with burnout, the facade she maintained for others, and the transformative process of embracing her true, authentic self. Together with her friend Jessica, they discuss their personal growth, the importance of rest, and the power of staying true to oneself. This episode is a must-watch for anyone seeking to understand the impact of authenticity in both personal and professional life.
Learn more about the Podcast Blueprint.
0:00 - Rise and Thrive Recap
11:04 - Battling “Workaholic” Nature
21:44 - Finding Productivity in Being Still
30:37 - The Podcast Blueprint
31:19 - Receiving Criticism
39:05 - Surrendering Our Plans
42:34 - Community Matters
45:14 - Advice for the unsettled
51:35 - Moving forward…
1:03:44 - What is next?
1:10:33 - Ideal Clients
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This week on The Authentic Media Podcast, please welcome to the stage the founder and creator of the Rise and Thrive Conference. Danielle J. Martin.
Yeah. Where
we start? I don't know. We'll start wherever you want to start. I think I really like hit a brick wall.
in the dressing room. My body was like shaking literally just crying It was like this pressure of me like not communicating what's really going on But no one would know that like deep down i'm like suffering inside.
Are you ready for this journey? Yeah, here we go
Getting ready for this podcast, what are you feeling right now? Like what's bubbling up inside for you? Is it excitement? Is it, um, do you have a lot of nerves? Are you feeling very vulnerable,
gearing up and recording this podcast?
Yeah, I think there is, um, a lot of emotions right now only because since the event, there has been a lot of things that took place during that time.
And I thought I was an open book until I realized that things started to just take a turn. And I was like, wow, like, I'm actually not being as authentic as I say that I am. Like, you know what I mean? Like, and so I think for this podcast specifically, it's like, I am excited. I am nervous because I am going to, I'm sure we're going to talk about things that many people probably like didn't expect and was maybe like expecting something else or someone else.
Yeah. And I'm like, well, this is where we're going to just clear all that up. Yeah. There we go. Here we go. Like we're just going to
rip the bandaid. Yeah. Like, you know,
I think I'm just, I've gotten to a space where it's like, I'm just, done pretending. Yes. Like I see that in you. Yeah. I'm done acting like this persona that people are expecting of me is like who I actually am.
Yeah. And it's like, no. I'm not that person. Yeah. Yeah. So I am just like, I'm ready to just like
take the claws off. Yeah.
You've been on a journey the past few months, like, well, since the conference really, and in the thick of the conference and everything that was going on, I don't know how many times we both heard people say, I don't know how you're doing this.
Like you have a full time job. How are you doing all of this? Yeah. And so can you talk a little bit, a bit. about that and maybe, um, how that played a role in where you're at today and, um, figuring this all out and where you want to be, because it sounds like when you were just speaking, maybe you were a little bit blindsided about things you discovered about yourself and what you want throughout this journey.
So in the thick of, you know, planning this incredible, like monumental conference, um, that we've had such great feedback about. In the thick of all that, something was brewing, something was bubbling up. What was that? What was that? And what, what led you to where you are right now? And we're sitting here talking about this part of your journey.
Yeah, here we go. Yeah. Take a moment. Take a moment. You don't have to answer quickly. Like, take your time when you, yeah, when you respond.
I'm glad that we're talking about this because, you know, one of the interesting things that the conference like brought out was like this. underlining pressure that I didn't realize that I was like trying to hide, but like essentially this pressure involved, um, just the idea that we had to commit and basically fulfill the promises that we set out that we were going to do.
And so I think the pressure not only came from The pressure of like people pleasing, but it was like this pressure to seriously, like make sure we follow through with everything that we said that we were going to do. And I think that we were even looking at each other, like, are we really doing this? You know what I mean?
times we were looking around like, are
we really doing this?
so that was like the interesting part of like, okay, We have to fulfill the promises to our sponsors, to our friends, to the speakers, to the guests, to the people who are coming. There was just so much pressure. But I think for me specifically, like, I didn't recognize that this pressure was something that I have like experienced before.
It was like this underlining Like pressure of me, like not communicating what's really going on and like covering it up with the things that I do and the things that I'm good at, but no one would know that like deep down I'm like suffering inside. Yeah.
Yeah. So talk a little bit more about that. When you find yourself in this very familiar place that you've been before.
How do you move forward? Did you move forward in that conference to get through it?
um, to give the people what they wanted and to fulfill, um, these expectations that everyone had for you at the expense of you feeling this uncomfortable feeling like something doesn't feel right. I feel a lot of pressure and it's not pressure that I guess is, how do I want to say this?
Um, Not just pressure to deliver, but pressure that something's unsettling inside you. Like something just doesn't feel right about what I'm doing. Like, can you talk about, like, how did you know that you were in that space again? Like, what were those feelings?
And then how did you navigate that? Like, how did you get through the conference and how did you feel afterwards?
Okay, so, like, one of the things I definitely want to address before we, like, go any further is that, like, before people try to, like, make it seem like we put on this, like, Ponzi scheme or we made it seem as if, like, this is something we, we did not want to do, um, I truly believe like the conference was everything that we prayed and admired it to be.
It was incredible. It was definitely something that came from such a pure and authentic space that I think maybe like, the younger version of me was like, Oh my God, I would be so proud of you. Um, and so I think that I just want to make that disclaimer, that like, We truly believed in everything that we were doing.
But I think that as we're doing things, right. And I think we talk about this all the time that there's always like a feeling or there's always like something going on. Yeah. That is quote unquote, like what we call like the elephant in the room. Yeah. Right. It's like essentially the elephant or it's like a feeling that you try to like, you know, just try to disguise with something else.
Yeah. Like, um, people call it like when you're trying to pretend to be something or not, it's like you're representative showing up to the, to the table and not like who Jessica is, who Danielle is, it's like the representative of us. And it's maybe like what people put on in the community of like, It's, it's like the leader
us that comes to the board meeting and is like, I'm here to do like my job, but not like fully showing up as the Danielle that's like, I'm tired today.
I've had a long day, but I'm here. You just have your
professional hat on. Yeah. Like you have a
professional hat on.
I think that sometimes that professional hat, like is such a disguise that like. It shows up in all the things that we do. Like we go home with it. It shows up in our friendships and our relationships.
It starts to just show up everywhere. And so I think if I were to just like make that example, I think my representative was showing up in all the things that I did. And like I said, deep down, I was like suffering and I was like, not only killing myself, but I was killing everything that I was connected to.
Yeah. And that included like, I mean, everything, friendships, family, relationships, like everything around me was like suffocating because I was not being real with like who I was, what I wanted. Um, and it led to like having these expectations of people to where like, Like in every area at work, I mean, people around me would just like, essentially like disappoint me because they were not performing or not necessarily performing, but they were not like giving me what I wanted, I guess.
But it was because I had expectations. You know what I mean? Yeah. And
you know that people don't, not everybody operates the way that you operate. And I want to go back because I feel like, People can relate to you and, and two things being true at the same time. Like I can be high functioning and performing at a high level, but I can also be heartbroken.
I can also be struggling. I can also be, um, in a dark place and people would never know it because of the way that you operate on a day to day. So that's very real. And I think a lot of people can relate. To that. Yeah. Yeah. So yes, I'm very proud of the conference and what we were able to accomplish and the feedback we received, the speakers you had, um, it was a wonderful experience.
There are no regrets. I think we gave it all that we had and it was wonderful. You did a great job, but yeah, I can understand the pressure of all of that. And, um, the underlying. Feelings that you had Yeah. Within and knowing that this was fun and this was great, we did something really, really wonderful.
But what's this, what's this feeling I have? What is that? And so let's get into more of that. Like what was that and what were you starting to discover about yourself after the conference? Um, and just, just the aftermath of after that aftermath of that. Like what, um, what conversations were you having with yourself after that was all said and done.
So yeah, I think you kind of said the word high functioning individual that I think that At first, I didn't believe that there was a such thing as like a workaholic,
know, but I think a part of me was like adopting that persona of like literally being a high functioning individual or acting like I could be, right.
And I think if we were to go back to like everything that we did, it was like, okay, January. I'm creating a podcast. I'm creating a podcast course. I'm having a full time job. I'm having a full time relationship. I'm having full time friendships and I'm also active in the community. Honey, what? You're exhausted.
Like you're exhausted. But like, I think sometimes as women, we think that we can just put on like the superhero, I can do all things. And it's like, there's no such thing. Like there's
And so
yeah, if you're doing all of those things, yeah. I don't know if you're doing all of them well. Right. Because you're not doing 'em at your, at your peak.
Yeah. You're not giving them your best. Yeah. You're just doing all the things Jack, all trade. Yeah. But like
you're a master at nothing. Master thing.
Yeah. . Yeah. Like what? Yeah.
And so I think that like a part of me though, truly believed that I could be all those things. Mm-hmm .
Where does that come from? You feeling like.
you can do all the things and you want to do all the things. Like, where does that come from? Where does that mentality stem from?
That's a good question. I think it goes back to like what I was mentioning earlier, as far as like this pressure to perform. And like when I recently discovered that being a high functional, high functioning individual was something that I admired.
It was because like, if I were to just look at, like, I'm learning that. Everything you are is like the product of your parents, right? And then like, from that stems down like habits, you know, just all of these other variables that create you as an individual. And so I think like from a young age, I've always been a cheerleader.
Like I was a cheerleader for 12 years. Not just like sports. school cheer, but like I did competitive, um, cheer where I was like, you know, performing on the stages and, um, was also in school cheer in competitive dance. And so I always had this like competitive drive, but also like had this attraction to the stage of like, you know, there's something about this arena that I admire and I love to where, even where people would like, look at me, they're like, you're such a performer.
Like always being called to the front to do the dances and the cheer. And it was just like, that was just a space that I truly loved. And I think that as a young lady. Or when I was like young, I recognized that like, that's when my parents, Oh, I think felt, um, so proud of me
was like, just giving me so much like praise and like, yeah, like you're going to go off and go to nationals.
And I think like just hearing from not only my parents, but people around me kind of telling me like, this is what you're going to do and kind of like creating my path. for me
of like really put me in a space of like, I can do all things as long as I set my mind to it. But I think it kind of created this false belief
like, If I tell myself I'm going to do these things, now I am committed to doing all of these things, right?
And then that leads to just so much pressure of like, I have to complete everything I said that I was going to do. And if I don't, they're going to not believe me. Right. And you're going to let someone down. And I'm going to let someone down, which results in what? People pleasing. Yep. Yep. Right. And so I think that like bringing all of these just kind of like background information of like what we're sharing is like so significant because it kind of leads us to just why I was functioning like that right now or in this past year, in this last season where I was like, okay, I'm going to do all things and I'm going to complete every single thing that I touch because if I don't, people won't believe me or I will be a failure.
Yeah. And like not recognizing that like, that doesn't help not only like anyone, but like, it didn't help me because I was still going home feeling like exhausted. Um, I loved everything that I did and I think it was everything that like led me to this space. But like, I think I really like hit a brick wall.
Like I think the wall was in the dressing room at the conference.
In the first day or the second day. The second day. The second day. Yeah. What was running through your head at that moment in the dressing room? It was
like, my body was like shaking, you know, and I remember getting my makeup done and like, poor Prima, she couldn't finish my makeup because I was literally just crying.
And I think I was just so exhausted. Yeah. Like, I think I was mentally and physically exhausted. And my body was shaking and I remember like Ashton like had to pray over me because it was like I knew I was called to do what I was called to do. But I think the most important thing that I learned was just because you are gifted to do something doesn't mean that you are meant to do it.
And so I think that was like the biggest thing. Biggest life lesson that I really learned was like, we can do all things. We really can't like God has given us the creation and the tools and the resources to do it, honey. But it does not mean that you have to do it or you're meant to do it like at all.
Like maybe like those gifts are meant to be for other seasons and for other things. Right. And so I think for me, it was just like, I cannot keep functioning like this.
it's not going to serve anyone. Because like you said, behind closed doors, something was suffering. Something, someone like something was suffering and I had to deal with it.
it was like, why would I choose a life like this that is making me produce so much work? But then like in return, I have nothing. And I think that's why, honestly, you look at superstars and you look at people that have all the money in the world, but like deep down, they're suffering deep down. They're not happy.
And so it's like, I think I kind of like, I think at that time I was like, I think I'm having like a midlife crisis because I'm like questioning every single thing that I'm doing right now. And I'm questioning like, What is God calling me to really do? You know what I mean? Yeah. And so I think that it was a big, like, wake up call.
But, like, I remember, like, talking to you about it. I can't remember if it was, like, a couple weeks, like, later. Yeah. But, like, even in that, like, I was afraid to disappoint you.
Oh my gosh.
And like that conversation was like, so hard for me
and me on the other side of it, like, I think after the conference, we all took a big, big break, like I shut out the world kind of, cause there was a lot of sacrifices that came with that, that a lot of people didn't see.
And like you said, we all had full time jobs and we were putting on this conference, um, that was huge. Um, that people do for their full time jobs, what we did. And we were doing it with full time jobs. So like after that, I think we all just took a break. And so I, I just got very intentional of like tuning everyone out, focusing on my family, recouping that time with my daughter.
Um, which throughout this process, just saying to her, like, I know mommy's gone a lot, but like. You're going to understand this one day. Like you're going to understand why mommy was in this position of giving her time to this very special cause. That's going to empower other women. I'm like, I know you don't understand it now, but you'll see it one day.
Like why mommy worked so hard and it was to help other women that have dreams. And so once that was all settled, I took a break. You took a break. I left you alone because I know it was a lot to process. Yeah. And, um, I think we all just kind of took timeouts and took timeouts for social media. And there was never, there could never be anything that you could do to disappoint me.
So when we had that conversation, you told me you were feeling that way and you were afraid of letting me down. And it's just like, that makes sense when you talk about people's expectations of you because your first inkling of what I was going to say was to not. support you and be like, what, what are you doing?
Letting me down? Like, it's not about me. This isn't my, like, this is your dream of what you wanted to do or where you want to head next. And like, you could never disappoint me in that way. And it made me sad that you felt that way. And I'm like, I don't have, like, I don't know what you've been through in the past and what those friendships look like, or how people have made you feel in the past for, um, being honest with them and being vulnerable with them.
Cause you take that risk of like, Oh, someone's going to be mad at me. But like me, no, like that was never, never a thing. And I was really proud of you for coming to me and like telling me how you felt and supporting you in that. Yeah. Like there was never any negativity for me. Like what we're not doing, like what's happening.
What's going on. And like, Making it about me. Absolutely not. Like, this is about you and, and how that made you feel. And I just, I don't know. But that all makes sense now. Like digging a little deeper into your past and your history and just people building you up and it feels good to, um, feel valued. It feels good to, um, when someone tells you like you're doing a really good job, like this is your thing.
Like it feels good when people, it feels good to receive those compliments and that validation. But, um, yeah, when you're operating in the expectations of others, I just leads to heartbreak because it's just, it's not about you about at the end of the people. And that's not what life is about. Yeah. So. Yeah.
That's good. But yeah. That's so good. Okay. So we've kind of talked about like, so now that you've discovered the space that you're operating in, what are you doing to change or replace those behaviors and habits that got you to where you were again after Ority? feeling that feeling before and never wanting to go back to that.
Yeah. So I think that right now my focus has been, um, more stillness than anything. And so I think that like after the event, the number one thing I really did focus on was rest and understanding my, Um, capacity, right? Because I think that as individuals, we think that we can operate in this high functioning like space, but it's like a part of your brain needs rest to reset, recharge.
So you can be in the space of like creativity. And so I think even for me, like I was running out of this space of like, or running into like, I couldn't even create anymore. Like I felt like my flow was just off, but like, Really? There's so much peace and resting. And there's also so much productivity and resting.
You know what I mean? And I think that was the biggest thing that I learned to where like, now I'm like, girl, like, I don't even want to be outside. Yeah. I'm like, what? Like this new lifestyle.
Side. I'm like, yes, I was missing. I know Danielle's really been in the house. Like you haven't been going anywhere, anywhere.
And I love that for you. I love that for you. Yeah. You do look rested and you look so happy and you're glowing. And I love that for you.
Thank you friends. Yeah, just
slowing down your life has given you a whole new look. Yeah. And you look wonderful. Thank you. Yeah, you do too. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, because I'm in the house too.
This, I've been in the house too. I've been in the house too. We've both been in the house, honestly. And when we've had to get out of the house together for something, oh my God. Like, Oh my God, it's exhausting energy. It's like, you don't recognize like how much
energy, like you are like, literally like just putting out until you recognize you're like, Oh my gosh, I get home.
And I'm like, I have nothing to give. You know what I mean? But I think too, and I, I do want to speak on this, is that a part of me was feeling that I was going to miss out on something. Right. And I think that like, yeah, it's okay to just bring that, um, You know, feeling to like, because I think that's something that maybe we don't really speak on because we don't want to be feeling like this insecure person, but it's like, no, like, I think there is reality and truth to parts of us too.
Do not want to feel left out. Feel like we're going to miss out on something or we're going to be like, Oh my gosh, I should have been there. You know, but when I like discovered like, okay, where are those feelings coming from? You know, like it was really from a space of like just productivity. I found so much, like I would say power and identity.
So much identity and productivity. I was like, this is who I am.
I wanted to like, this is what
I want to be known for. But then when I like looked back, I was like, wait, like, this is not fun. This is not fun at all.
I will say that like, okay, majority of the things that I did, I loved and still love to do, right?
Like I still love hanging out with friends. I still love creating. I still love being in the community, but I just think it was just making sure I wasn't doing all of those things at the same time. You know, it was like, okay, let's spread out some of these things. Like it's okay. Like every day after work, you don't have to go to a meeting every day after work.
You do not have to like work on a project. Like it's okay to come home. And like not do anything.
And that was like a little hard for me because I think the identity and productivity really just goes back to performance, which leads to acceptance, which leads to feeling enough. Right. So it was like all of these layers that I was recognizing that was just coming to light when I just got still.
And I think the funniest thing is that when my girlfriend Ray was like, girl, You know, there's going to be a season where you're going to have to sit down. Like you're going to have to really spend a lot of time with yourself. And it's so funny because I'll never forget like when she was telling me about this, I was like, no, I'm not.
Yeah. I was like, girl, I'm like,
that's great for you. Yeah. But like, actually, no, I think I'm going to be okay. But how many times do we have an individual or friend sharing something with you that you don't want to hear? Yeah. Or it's like. It may be right for you, like it's going to be a time where like what she's saying to you or what that individual is saying to you is like coming to light.
Yeah. And you're going to have to like suck up your pride and be like, wow. You were right. Yeah. So being a part of us feels like we get to a space of like, okay, I have everything and I don't need to do any more work on myself. I've made it. You know what I mean? I figured it all out. I figured it all out.
Like, I am here. If there's anything you need to know, just ask me. Like, we
are insane. Yeah. Like, we're like, yeah.
I'm good. Yeah. And it's like, that's
so funny. There's so
much, there's healing that needs to happen. There's trauma. Yeah. There's that elephant that you're avoiding. Yeah. It's going to come to the surface one day or another.
And so it's just so funny. Like I always say that. Like. God is a man of character and God is a man of like, he's just such a humorous person. Because it's like, even when I think to like where he has me today and like in this whole new like scope of business and like the name of it, like everything, it's like, I don't think I would have been able to even speak on what I'm speaking on unless I've gone through like this space of like.
Rest healing, releasing, you know, like, it's just so funny. It's like, wow, it's all making sense.
Yeah, but you had to be ready for it though.
the timing wasn't ideal.
But was it? Like, that was meant to happen, you know? I don't like that you had to sit and have this breakdown, but it was so necessary.
'cause again, you would've continued to operating in that space. Yeah. Of hustle, hustle, hustle and girl. I mean, you can only go so long. So I'm very proud of you for taking the time and sitting with that. And that's, I tell you all the time, like with your breath, you were
you like surprised of that? Like when I told you that one day when I was like, I'm exhausted.
Yeah. Or did you feel like, I mean, I feel like.
You've been on the go since we've known each other, and I'm like, this is just how she operates. It's a lot, it's a lot to watch, but like, this is, this is her, and if she can do it, then go. But I'm like, I remind myself, you're younger than me. Oh my gosh, stop. But, um.
I mean, I guess all that to say, timing is everything, and if you put in the work when the timing is right, um, the benefits of that, because I think it is really hard to sit with yourself And I'm sure there were times before the conference was even over and again, during the conference where you felt something bubbling up and you're just like, I don't have time for this right now.
I got to keep going. I got to keep moving. People are depending on me. And that's when I talk about timing, because if you allowed yourself to just stop and sit in that and how debilitating that would have been for you. And it's like, I'm not ready to face this because I can't. Take another wound right now.
Like, I cannot allow myself to, to hurt any more than I already am. You know what I mean? And so, like, you got through it. You took the time. You waited until the timing was right. Addressed it with yourself in private and conversations with other people and your partner and trying to figure out, is this how I operate?
Is this who I am? Is this what you're seeing? Like, this is what I'm feeling. Do you see that? Do you feel that? And then those conversations can sometimes lead to confirmation of those things. And then. To have to sit and not get defensive either. So like, this is who you really think I am. Like you have to like, cause your first reaction is to get defensive.
Right. And then. If you allow yourself to do the responsible thing, which is to sit and see if there's any truth to that. Um, that's where the real growth growth comes in when you can allow yourself to like, sit with that. And that's what you've been doing. Oh my God.
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Yeah. Like the person I am today would like, if you were to tell me about myself or something that I maybe need to work on, I think I would definitely receive it differently. Right. I would just say like, Oh, that's an interesting point. Let me think on that and get back to you. And like, I would love to explore that.
Right. Cause I think a part of, um, the society that we have today is that people are so offended, offended by like things that, um, Are like mirrors to them or like if someone is giving them feedback about themselves, about their character, it's like the first thing that we do to respond is we get angry.
Yeah, we get prideful and we get very just so like, how dare
you, how
dare you tell me about myself? And it's like,
what? Yes. It's
like. But how dare not they tell you about them, about yourself, because you actually need to hear that. And it's funny because the more I have been still and the more that I have been spending time with God, like, it's just so funny how like in almost every single way in his word, he, is like, we are the reflection of Him, and if the people that you are around is not the reflection of God, um, then there's something wrong with your circle.
But if you have people around you that are the reflection of Him, and they are sharing with you, Parts of you that is not a reflection of him and they're giving you feedback and they're saying, Hey, like, have you noticed that you've been doing this or have you noticed that this action is actually not, um, something that is, um, In collaboration with like what we are supposed to do.
It's like, instead of getting angry, like maybe in that space, I could have said or done like, you know what? Like, let me take some time to think on that. But I think that we walk around, like we know everything and. I think a part, parts of us feel like if we don't know something, it brings up insecurity. We feel less than, we feel like we're not enough.
We feel like we don't know. Right. So it's like all of these different things, but his word is that we are supposed to be reflections of him. And it's like, We are supposed to be like him. And if we are not like him, then you are essentially like not embracing the full character of God. Yeah. Like, you know what I mean?
And so I think that comes with feedback. It comes with correction. It comes with like, Hey, just a little nudge friend. Like, have you noticed that you're a little off path? Right. And it's like, I would really hope and want like my loved ones and people that are truly for me and truly like want the best for me, like, say, Hey girl, like you're not really on the path you're supposed to be on.
Or, you know, um, there's something I noticed. And I'm just curious if you notice this about yourself, like let's sit down and talk about it. And I think that like when feedback comes to you, it's not too, it's really not to like discourage you. It's not to break you down. It's not to make you feel less than if anything, like as believers, we are supposed to be like, we're supposed to be.
supposed to correct each other. We're supposed to build each other up. We're supposed to make each other better. But what I'm recognizing is that, and even in myself, like, I think there was parts of me that was not fully embracing the character of God and not bracing and not embracing like the fullness of like, who I said I was.
Because again, I was walking around with like my representative hat. And so I think that's why like my heart and my body and everything was so sensitive. Someone told me the other day, they were like, do you think like you're in a hypersensitive like season, which means that like everything that people say to you, like you're offended by it.
And I'm like,
everything is offended, like offensive to you. Yeah. And so I think that like, I had to just really learn that. And again, some things that people may say to you, right, like if you have a stranger that comes up to you or even a friend that says something about you that you don't agree with at the time, it just goes back to saying like, Hey, thank you for sharing that feedback.
Let me think about it and let me come back to you because the parts, like parts of you may be displaying this character or this habit and you don't even recognize it. Um, You know what I mean? And it's like, what good, what good does it if a man doesn't recognize himself any more? Right. Like, anymore. And so that's why God has created community for us.
That's right. He's created people to be in our space. Like, even the other night, I was just like, Such an awe when I think about where God has me because I think we talked about this You're like, do you ever want to go back to Houston? And I'm like what for mm hmm I'm like, I love my family and I'm like I would 100 percent move there in a heartbeat if that's what the Lord told me Yeah, but it's like the way that God has orchestrated my life here in Topeka Like, what?
Like, I'm not done yet.
I'm not
done yet.
Like, there's so much, there's so much here. Mm
Talk about growth in that.
Yeah. Oh my God. Oh my God. That's just such a far cry from where
you once were, I think. What? You told me I'm moving to Topeka. I would be like, no, I'm not. Yeah. And even when you were here, you're just
like, okay.
When is, uh, when's this contract up?
What's the contract up? Um, I think my time here has been
done. No,
but seriously, it's like, I look around and I think I told you, I said in this space of my life, like these friendships that I have. Yeah. Oh my God. Has been the most beautiful and The most significant I've had in my whole life, like whole life, like
friendship means so much.
And just even like what you've seen in the last couple of months, the hardest like time of my life. Yeah. And you are part of that. And I'm so grateful that God like orchestrated the right people to be there during that time.
Yeah. Yeah. I'm so proud of you. I am so proud of you. Just the level of growth that you've had, not just in the last couple of months, but over the last couple of years that I've seen, um, it's been like a full transformation because you've taken the time.
Like I've told you, you've taken the time to do the work.
Um, and a lot of people just aren't up for doing that. How many people do you hear say, well, that's just how I am. Well, this is just how it is. Like take it or leave it. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm like, We can be who we are and we can be authentic in that, but not at the expense of hurting other people.
Um, so. Speaking
to that, like really quick, I think even that statement itself just shows how guarded you are as an individual and you're not willing to grow. And I think that like, what I've learned about, This walk, because this walk is not easy. Like being a believer is the hardest thing, but it's also the most beautiful thing.
But like one of the things that I think I'm learning that God is really trying to help many of us understand is that we need to have a growth mindset and having a growth mindset means that like. When it's time to pivot, when it's time to change, when it's time to like go to the next level, you are required to surrender a part of you that you are wanting to hold on.
And that version of you cannot go with you in the next season. And that could be so many things, right? Cause parts of you could be identified in people, in relationships. and friendships and the things you do, right? So many things. And so I think the biggest word that I got, especially during that huge transformation that happened recently was that like, there's no such thing as God's going to call you to surrender just like one time.
There's different levels of surrender. And I'm like,
This is, yeah, this is a lifelong endeavor. I'm like, Oh,
I thought this
was like a one time payment. He said, No, this is like
monthly payment thing, actually. And I said, Oh, OK, like. And when you just start to recognize and understand that then you can really release control, right?
Because I think that was like really my issue. My biggest issue, I think I told you was I was such a control freak, like such a control freak. I wanted to control everything. I wanted to tell God my agenda. Let's talk about the agenda of marriage. What? Like everything. Oh my gosh. You know what I mean? I was like, by this time I'm going to have this, this, this, and this, and this, and this.
Yeah. And when he calls you to surrender that plan, yeah, it is the most humblest thing you will ever do in your life.
Yep. It's very disruptive. Yeah. Very disruptive. Yeah. You got to reevaluate your whole plan and realize that your plan is not. The end all be all. Yeah. Oh my gosh. That's so good. That's
But it's like now I can sit back and it's funny because it's like we always get to this space. Like we always get to this space of acceptance, right? And so it's funny because I think I adopted this phrase. I think I told you that I was like, I feel like I'm grieving and growing at the same time. Yes.
Right. It's like, I'm grieving the version of me that is no longer going to serve me in this next season.
Yeah. And
then it's like, I'm growing into the person that I've always really been, but I'm just like, I'm remembering her. Yeah. And like, that is just so like,
So bittersweet. Yeah. Yeah. So bittersweet. So real you saying that, cause I feel like when people are going through transitions like that, like you're mourning the heartbreak of what could have been in the future that you had for yourself.
Like that's really hard. And sometimes it's more. heartbreaking than you could ever imagine, but like how often have we been broken and heartbroken in our life and that be temporary and we always come out on the other side because it's all temporary. The happiness, the sadness,
all of it, all of it, all of it.
That's why I was like, it's funny how we always get to this full circle moment of like, actually I understand, I get it, but like, I really think. I learned it most when I went through this, I call it like the transition of grief, right? And like, they talk about like, you go through grief, you go through anger, you go through resentment, and then you finally get to this space of like forgiveness and acceptance.
And I'm like, Yeah. Yeah, I get it. But you just have to go through the motions, but I think the most important thing is like, you just have to keep going and really surround yourself. Oh my gosh. The most important thing I, I think I really did. And by the grace of God was surrounding yourselves with the right people.
Yeah. Right? Because I think a part of me, and this is like a part of like my old identity, is that I wanted to be so open with everyone that I wanted everyone to be my friend.
Oh, yeah. And
then recognizing that like not everyone is your friend. Yeah. Right? And like that's okay. Mm hmm. Um, and, and people are your friends.
They're like your associates and things like that. But I'm talking about like your inner circle, like, if I can call you in a heartbeat, like, you know what I mean? There's a difference. Such a huge difference. Like people that like are really in this life with you. It's like, that's just a whole different.
Friendship. Yeah. And that's a beautiful thing too, that we get to a place and an age where we get to curate our own family, like in, in our own friendships. And we have a really good group. I feel really blessed. And not everybody has that. So we are very, very lucky. Yeah. We are very consistent.
Yeah. And so that's why I'm like, When I think about the friends in the community I have here, it's like, oh, this was all ordained.
Yeah. Like I can't even make this up. Yeah. Like I can say I can fully be myself here, you know?
Yeah. And I think when we talked about like, that's not something you had when you were back home, but maybe you thought that you had, or maybe you're like, this is what friendship looks like. Yeah.
Yeah. And I think you talked about that earlier when you were like, why would you think I would judge you?
And I'm like, I don't know if it was really you. I think I was just like, I've been so used to that. And I think that's another like piece of me that I had to really surrender and let go. It was like, stop carrying like recent trauma from recent relationships to new relationships. Like, honey, let him go.
Like that person does not owe you anything. Yeah. Yeah. But like, we're carrying every single trauma and wound to every single relationship. Yeah. Like we are carrying it with us. Yeah. And it's like, if you were to tell me you're not, okay, give me a couple of days with you. Yeah. Because I promise you like every, and this is everyone, like every wound that we're carrying or we fully haven't healed or let go is the expectation that you have for the current person that you are with.
Mm hmm.
And it shows up, it shows up, it's like knock, knock at your door,
maybe when you least expect it, but it will show up. Yeah. Yeah. What advice would you give someone who is going through life and they have that feeling of, You know, I don't, I don't know if this is what I should be doing. I don't know if I'm, I'm living in my purpose right now.
Like this doesn't feel right. I feel like I may be abandoning my destiny,
it's, It's more uncomfortable for me to, to stop and, and ask myself that and try to figure out an alternative. It's more comfortable for me to stay here, even though there's this underlying feeling. What advice would you give to someone feeling unsettled, but not willing to pull the trigger on the next step of figuring out what their future looks like?
Yeah, that's a good question. I think like right now in this space, I would say like stop what you're doing and like Take five days to yourself.
Mm hmm.
And if you are and don't do anything, right? So like do your day to day like, you know, get up go to work If you are an entrepreneur, I would say take like if you can if you're if your business allows it but like take five days to You Um, truly like, just be still, like take yourself on a walk, take yourself like to the movies.
And within those five days, if you are still feeling the exact same feeling that you are feeling, it's time to address it. Yeah. Because I think that when we are operating on our day to day daily duties, we are filling of feeling whatever void that is, like, trying to disrupt our daily duties, right? So, like, the void that you're not trying to address is, like, the thing that you actually probably should,
but I
think that we cover it up with all of, like, the daily duties, like the work and the friendships and the dinners and the meetings.
It's like, we just, like, stuff it. Yeah. With, like, it's like a stocking. Like, we just stuff it with, like, all of this stuff. Yeah. And. But when you don't do anything and you have nowhere to go, you have nowhere to be, and that feeling is still there. It's like, yeah, girl, it's time to address it. It's time to be still.
And honestly, if someone were to be like, you know, I don't have time for that. That's totally false. You have time for what you want to make time for. Um, and I think the biggest thing for me, what I learned, especially after the event, right. Was like, it can wait. Yeah. It can wait. Yeah. And whatever project, um, that is, that has a deadline, whatever, um, thing that you're working on that you're like, I'm afraid that if I don't finish this, I'm going to miss out.
Yeah. That's actually a huge sign that you aren't. That you are supposed to just be still.
And I say that from experience, because after the event, I remember this feeling of like, I have to keep the momentum. I think I told you that I was like, we have to keep the momentum. Like we gotta keep going.
We're going to lose people. And it's like, you are feeling this like anxiety and pressure. And it's like, when you think about. going back to the character of God, right? Because I just like he's my fine my foundation, you know, and so I always just compare things to him and honestly I think it's really helped me get into this headspace of stillness and like peace Because if we can compare it to the word then If it's not like him, then you are now comparing it to worldly things and that is not of him.
Right. And so I think for me, I like as a creator and as a business owner, and as, you know, a person that does all of these things, I really had to find, I had to find something to lean on. And like, yes, I was. have always been a believer, but I think that I was a passive believer. Like I was just one of those people that was just like, yep, I go to church.
I check it off my list and I'm like, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Right. But it's like, you have not found time to like be still, you know? And so going back to after the event and I said, Oh my God, we got to get these social media videos out. Like da, da, da, da, da. And I literally, I kid you not, I felt the Holy spirit say, do not post.
It's actually time to get off of social media. Yeah. What? You're telling me I had the most two successful day event. Yeah. That was great. People are posting pictures and photos. They're waiting on us. It's a month later.
What? My like, perfectionist brain was going insane. Yeah. I was like, what do you mean we have to get off social media,
You're at war with yourself. I was at war.
And I literally just kept feeling like their spirit said, like, get off social media. It can wait. It's not going anywhere. Yeah. You know what I mean? And it was honestly the most, that was like the most disruptive thing I've ever done. Sounds crazy, but it's like when you're in a person that has an agenda, that's like, I got to get things done.
It was like a foreign language to me. I was like, what do you mean? But it was so funny because like after that and still like, I think it was like a month and a half or two months later, like we posted it and it was like, we didn't miss out on anything. Nothing. Yeah. We got the same feedback we were going to get, whoever was meant to see it, saw it, whoever didn't, didn't like, and I think it just goes back to releasing control.
So when I say that if you're a person searching for purpose and you need help and you're trying to avoid what has been showing up.
I encourage you to rest and be still because you are going to take time to finally heal. And that thing that you're trying to avoid, it's just going to keep showing in everything you do, whether it's in your marriage, in your children, in
friendships, like it's just going to keep showing up.
And so I think I finally got to a space where I was like, God, I no longer want to be this person.
Like I'm willing to do whatever I need to do. And he said, get in isolation.
Yeah. So what is Danielle's perspective of herself now? Like, what are you proud of moving forward with the work that you've done on yourself?
Gosh, these are good questions. I'm like, I am not like prepared for this, but okay. That's a lot. I have prepared. Cause like wherever I'm at is, being prepared. But I think that, like, I'm really proud of the person that I am when it comes to surrendering and accepting where God has me. I think that's like the number one thing, because I think when you're in a position, when you are mad at God, um, it is such a lonely space that it's like, you don't want to be there.
So I don't think I was even like really mad at him when it came to him, like telling me, you know, like, Hey, you need to get in isolation. You need to really address the wounds that, um, are stirring up in you. Like, I think a part of me is actually really proud that I was able to do that faster because I think Topeka, like that portion of me accepting it, like prepared me for this season.
But I'm, I'm really proud of that. Um, but I think that like who I am today is so different than Like who I was and it comes with peace.
It's like, I keep going back to just peace and like, I just love where I am. I love the friendships that God has blessed me with and surrounded me with the community.
Um, I'm definitely a person of faith and foundation and going back to like, if I cannot compare it to what the word says, then like. I either need more time or it's just not for me.
know what I mean? So like, I think really being in this space of being so Confident about my faith and about like, just that is a part of me and has always been a part of me and like not being afraid to like speak about it, right?
Because I think a part of me was always like, again, thinking about other people, but to the space where I was like, not really necessarily thinking about myself anymore. Yeah. And it was just like going back to people pleasing. Like I'm always just like, you know, Like, is this going to satisfy them? Are they okay?
Like, I was just always, like, questioning what people were thinking about me, you know? And I had to really, like, discover that. Like, where is that coming from? Like, why do I feel this need to, like, get the approval of others? And, of course, like, you know, I did a lot of time and, um, healing in that space. Um, but it was just something that like kept showing up.
You know what I mean? I was just like, I have to, I have to address this because it can't come with me anymore. You know what I mean? And I think that like, I'm just really proud of the woman that is willing to do the work, but do it the right way. And I think it's because like, so this new space that I'm in, of creating this new business with authentic media is solely around being the most authentic version of you.
Yeah. And the authentic version of you is the most raw, real, like, I mean, to your core, who you are. And if you feel in your body, That like, something's off, something's wrong. I can't even like, do this interview right now. I mean, if anything is off, like, just stop what you're doing. If you need to reschedule, if you need to like, disrupt what's going on, like, that is okay.
And I think I'm just really proud of this person that is willing to speak up.
And call things out when something is not right, when something is not like, like something is off.
Right. Yeah. And because I think a part of me was operating in this space of like, I'm just going to put a bandaid on it.
I'm just going to like stuff it with something. I'm going to stuff it with like going to this meeting. I'm going to stuff it with like going, um, avoiding it. Yeah. Right? Like, I'm trying to think of the things that, like, I used to do. I'm gonna stuff it with drinking. Oh yeah. Oh my god. Like, what? I'm gonna stuff it with, like, Gonna go do something knowing that I should probably be doing something else.
Like, you know what I mean? Constantly on the phone. Yeah, I mean like I was just always like moving You know what? I mean to where it's like I couldn't think for myself I could not function and even like hear my own thoughts, which is why it's like I couldn't even like hear God anymore You know, and it's like, it's like, yes, I would hear him, but it was like a faded voice.
Yeah. And they always say like, that's the most scariest place you should be in when you, when you don't recognize that you're no longer like in his company. Yeah. It's like, Oh.
Yeah. Yeah.
me take a step back. Yeah. Everything you just said, just keeping yourself busy. Yes. And putting off that conversation with God.
Like if he sees that I'm busy, I can't do this right now. Like I have a lot going on and just continuing. I think we talked about like finding all these fillers to avoid. Oh my God. Yeah.
A hundred percent. Yeah. But I, I definitely want to speak on this space of like, Yeah. Drinking was definitely one of those things.
A hundred percent. And it's like a part of you. And I think we have to be honest with this space of like people who are currently right now, even like socializing and drinking, and maybe you're only drinking because you're socializing and like, you know, doing things like that. And like, just even like, like, it's okay to go to dinner without having a drink.
Yeah. Like, you know, even like telling yourself that, um, And it's just like, I just feel like I'm able to just think a lot more clearly and just be able to like, hear my own thoughts and yeah, I just think this new space just comes with a different, a different mindset, um, a different approach, um, a steady, And I think I was trying to say this earlier, but like, when I think about the character of God, like God walked everywhere,
did not rush anywhere.
He would never ran. He never like was trying to get to one place to another, to another, like he never did that. And so I just always like, I even noticed like my habit of like, I was always just rushing to the next thing, like feeling like, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go. Like one thing after another, after another.
And it was just like, if I feel that coming on, I usually stop and I'm just like, breathe.
Yeah. Like
you're okay. Like you're okay.
Like you're okay.
Yeah. You look so beautiful. And I just seeing the transformation of like, when I look at you, I see like, this is me, not look at me anymore. You know what I mean?
Like, this is who I am. That's like a huge compliment. Like showing like who you are. Yeah. And I didn't mean to that to sound a certain way or like a dig because it's never been like that, but it's like,
no, I'm glad. Yeah. Like that's what I want to like display. You know what I mean? And I think, yes, I think that.
A part of me was trying to It displayed that version of like, this is me, but it was more from like a desperate little girl that was asking for attention. You know what I mean? Like, look at me. Like, look at me. Like, this is me. Like, do you not see me? Like, I'm right here. And it was like,
I thought this is what you wanted.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Oh my gosh. Oh my
God. I don't know why it's always emotional, but I, I just think it's like, it's just so real. And like, even, um, even like sharing that, like I think is so important because it's like, like, yeah, these were like my thoughts. Like I was searching for something and someone to fulfill something that only God can fulfill.
And by the grace of God, like I said, I was surrounded with the right people, the right partner to, um, love me anyway, even in my flaws, even in my craziness, girl, cause you know, we can be crazy, you know,
just like, I can relate. Yeah. But like.
Yeah, just like, so I'm just so grateful for that, but I think that, um, I think it's a part of growth and I think it's a part of life that we have to get to a space to mature
we have to get to a space to say that, yeah, like this way that I'm operating is no longer serving me.
I'm not going to do life like this no more. I have a choice.
the grace of God, we've been given choice. And I choose not to act like this anymore, I choose not to be this person, I choose to walk in peace, to be peace, I choose to slow down, I choose to show up when I want to show up. Yeah. I choose to say no.
Mm-hmm .
That part. Yep. Yep. I choose to say yes if I have the capacity to do it.
Mm-hmm .
And so I think that just taking time to just say like, I'll get back to you. Yeah. I'll let you know.
It's probably like a new language that I've just adopted.
Mm-hmm .
That, um, I'm Okay. Yeah. To say like. This is me. Mm hmm.
I'm going to be a little
selfish right now. Yeah. I think we all can be a little selfish. Yeah. And I know, we were talking the other day and you had said something like, I don't want to seem selfish. And I'm like, it's okay to be selfish at times when it's not hurting someone else, when it's about you needing space and needing a minute and to, and to be still and to reevaluate things.
I mean, I think it's totally okay to be selfish in, in those moments. So. Yeah.
Yeah. Oh yeah. I think I was like trying to figure out if I should go like do this thing and I was just like A part of me is like, I really don't want to go. I think the majority of me was like, I don't want to go.
I'm like, girl, I do not want to go to this thing.
How are you feeling? Yeah.
Yeah. You know, cause like, And then I'm like, Oh, I wish I wanted to go.
Oh my gosh.
Yeah. And I just appreciated how you were like, I just don't want to do something. I'm like, yeah, for sure. But like, I just don't want to, I just don't want to have to put on. And it's like, if I feel like I'm putting on, I'm not being myself. Yeah. Like I'm just not, I'm not going. I'm not going.
Mail me the award. Thank you. But like, I'm okay.
Oh my God. Yes. Award. Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
I'm good. Yeah. I'm so good right here. Sending my best sitting . Sending my best. Um,
yeah. Oh my gosh. This is it. Yeah,
this is
it. So what can your friends and family and followers look forward to next with authentic media?
Oh my gosh. Yes. So I'm really looking forward to really finally using my gift in the way that I've always seen it. Right. And that is really like helping people become the best versions of themselves, but doing it for their business and in life. And so essentially like, Our motto is we help people and business owners build authentic brands, but we do that through a way where we help you identify your brand identity and help you develop a brand strategy to where you can show up in your business and in life authentically.
And so, um, It really goes back to, cause I know authentic is like this buzzword right now, but like when I hear it and I feel it, it's like, who are you at your core?
Who are you when no one is looking and what do you stand for? What do you want to be represented for? Right. And it's like, essentially your brand is your reputation.
And so right now, if your brand is not displaying what you represent and what you believe, then maybe we need to go back to the drawing board and figure out like who that person is so we can get that message out there. Right. Cause I think that right now with the oversaturation, so many voices, so many things going on.
Um, again, I'm coming from firsthand, right? Like I launched a podcast, I was doing a thing, loved it. And I still think that that space was great, but I still think in that space I was still operating as like the news anchor. Yeah. Right. Like I was. still putting on this persona of like, I'm here with so and so and we're talking today about like, you know, and it was like this thing and this identity that I put on.
And I said, like, I can't do this anymore. Right. So I think that like this whole rebrand came from really like this whole personal transition of me just like walking it out. And I was like, you know, I still want to be known for media. I love podcasting. I love talking to people. Um, I love like the behind the scenes and anything regarding media.
Like I'm here for it, but how can I coach people in a way to where even for myself, I can show up as my authentic self and full self. And it's not like this. just representative identity that is like being what people want me to be. Right. It's like, no, like this is really Danielle J. Martin. Right. It's not like I'm the anchor Danielle J.
Martin, or I'm like the TV host or the podcast host. It's like, no, like this is me. Like, I'm talking to you today in sweatpants. Yeah. Okay. Tomorrow I might have a blazer on, tomorrow I might have a t shirt on. Like, you know, like just also sharing all of the, um, depths of me. Yeah. Of like, who I am was super important.
And I think that's why even like the photo shoot with me wearing a t shirt. Yeah. Was like so huge. Right. Because it was like, people are so used to seeing me dressed up. Yeah. That was like. Uh, if you saw me at home Yeah. I'm like in a t-shirt. Yeah. Like I'm in a t-shirt, , I'm dressed out. Yeah. I ain't always dressed up.
Yeah. So like, that was even, even that was important to me and it was like, yeah, we can wear a shirt and jeans and heels and call a day.
But, um, so essentially. Again, as I'm like coaching and helping people, I hope people can understand and hear the story, um, and understand that I'm coming from the most authentic space that, um, you hear today.
And I'm coming from experience. I'm coming from a space that like, yeah, I had it all. And it wasn't like this huge thing. thing, but like in my world and where we are, it was like this, like kind of huge, massive thing that was going on. And I said, you know what, I'm going to disrupt it all. And I'm going to rebrand.
Oh my
God. Because you can, you know what I mean? Because you can, who said that you had to keep it this way. That's the thing. It's like brands like rebrand all the time. We may not know it, but like all of the logos and even like the email service, I'm. Oh my gosh. Perfect example. The email service I'm currently using right now is known as ConvertKit.
Now it's known as just Kit. So they even share their whole story of why they're rebranding. And I think that's the beautiful part about branding is that like you can change it any time you want to. Yeah. Anytime. Yeah. Like there's no rules to this thing, but I think that sometimes we hold on. Yeah. And it's like, this is who I am.
And it's like, it's okay if you're no longer that person. Yeah. Now I would say like, you have to be careful. You're not like rebranding every two to three years, but like, I think that over time, like, yes, as you grow, your business grows, your brand grows. But like, you definitely want to think about your real core values.
Cause I think when you think about your core values, what you stand for, what you want to represent yourself for, then that's when it's long lasting. And so for me, I said to myself, what do I want to be known for? media.
Okay. What do I want people to see me in media? Like what, what's like the number one thing that comes to mind.
And like, when I say authentic was the first word, it was like, so anytime that you are working with me, you know, that we are going to be. In the most peaceful and transparent space. Like it's not going to be, you know, like we have to put on blazers and we have to be perfect or like, no, it's like all walls are coming down.
I'm going to probably be the mirror that you need. So let me just prepare you because I'm going to be honest with
And if I feel like there's something that's not real, I may call you out on it. Yeah. I will call you out on it. And I will say like, Hey, you know, have you noticed this about yourself?
What's going on? Um, but I'll also be transparent and say, maybe we are not the right fit, you know? So I think that like for me on the other side, it's about, Doing what God has called me to do, um, in his word, using his word, but also helping his people to see that everything that we're searching for, everything that you want is already within you.
And I'm just here to ignite your fire.
I love that.
That's so good. That's so good. Yeah. Awesome. So who are your like ideal clients? Like who are the people that are going to be coming to you for your services?
So definitely business owners, um, helping, um, professionals as well. I want to help, um, a lot of professionals and corporations.
Like when I think about the people that we work with, right. Um, we all have brand identities. Like we all have a brand. And I don't think you have to be a business owner. To have a brand, um, going back to your brand is your reputation, right? So like when people see Jessica Savard, they know you as like the community coordinator who has it, like she's ready to go.
You're organized, like people know you for certain things, but specifically business owners, it's going to be the first reach, um, looking at small to mid size, essentially people that have already got, um, some business going maybe one to two years, um, only because by that time you in your first year, you're so worried about like getting started and getting going.
And like your mindset is not necessarily ready. You're still trying to figure yourself out. Right. Um, speaking from experience, I went through my first couple of years of business and it's about just getting getting off the ground. So you may not have time, but if you are a small to midsize market, um, business owner, then, and you have, like I said, one to three years under your belt and you're finally having some good steady pace and income and you're like, okay, now I think I have time to.
Look at my brand, look at my business and identify, is my messaging aligning with who I am? And if not, then like we need to have a conversation before you are communicating to your clients. We need to make sure that your messaging is consistent with who you are. Because I think, again, going back to people pleasing, um, And I think about where I was earlier this year with my podcast course, right?
This is like the perfect example, but I think I could not sell my course. Cause I could not, I did not fully believe in what I was like creating and doing. And I was doing it from a very like hustle mentality from like survival mindset. Right. And so, When I, again, again, take, took time to actually like be still, look at what I want to actually do and help people, then that's when like the flow of services actually can get laid out correctly because I'm not doing what everyone else is doing or what everyone else is telling me to do.
Right. Right. I actually am. Like creating services that people actually need. People need help with their identity. Unfortunately, like that's just what it is because there's so many people like telling people what to do, who to be, that we're just like adopting all of this personality. That's not really a part of you.
And then everybody's the same. Everybody's the same.
So it's like, how can we get your business to a space where it's fun and It's who you are. Right. Cause essentially like you've created the business for a very selfish reason. Yes. It's to help other people, but there's something about it that you really are passionate about.
So how can we take that passion? How can we take those values and truly like just communicate it in a certain way, but you're doing it in a, in a way where you're not burnt out, you're not exhausted. Right. So like that's essentially what I'm helping people with. And then, um, I'm really excited about these brand packages that we're putting together.
So if you are a business owner and you need help with not only getting your brand identity and strategy together, but, um, I have been compiling some photographers, makeup artists, and hairstylists. And so, honey, if you need a brand photo shoot,
That's exciting. I got you. I got you. You're offering the full package.
That's exciting. I'm offering the full package. Yeah.
And so it's going to be something that we're going to be rolling out, um, here shortly. So definitely stay tuned. But yeah, I think that's one of the things I think, um, Um, a lot of business owners don't take time to do is, like I said, they're so worried about getting off the ground.
But if you are looking for a brand photo shoot, that looks like, um, you know, getting a couple outfits together to where you can showcase who you are in your business. Um, I'm the person for you, so you're not going to only get a photo shoot, but like I said, we'll, we'll sit down and we'll Think about the outfits that will represent you.
Well, make you look professional, um, making sure that you're showing up, you know, just as the person that you want to be represented for. So, um, yeah, I'm compiling all that right now. And so I'm doing it very slowly. Slow and steady. So I think this season is all about that. Like I said, it's not, yeah, girl, people ain't going to see things until 2025.
So it's like, I've been working on this for a while, there's some transparency. I'm like, I am not rushing this thing. They're like, when do you want to start? I'm like, maybe next year is good. Maybe next year. Um, because yeah, I just think that like when things, you know, take time and they're done, right?
It looks good.
So no need to rush it. Yeah.
Quality. Yes, honey. Thanks friend. Yeah.
Thank you. I enjoyed you. This was
You did really good. I love you. Thank you. I mean, I'm not surprised. Oh my gosh. I'm not surprised. But when he told me, he like.
You're like, yeah, these are just questions. I'm like coming out of my head.
I'm like, Oh my God, this is good
questions. I'm like, just know, just stay at home and just have our normal conversations like we normally do.
This is like
This is us. Yeah. Chillin. Yeah. I love you. Love you too. Thank you. Thank you.
Thanks for watching the Authentic Media Podcast YouTube. At Authentic Media Company, our mission is to help you develop an authentic brand so you can make the impact that you are called and you deserve. To make, if you've got anything from today's episode, make sure you drop a comment down below. I'm interested to see what your takeaways are.
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