Authentic Media Podcast
The Authentic Media Podcast is more than a show—it’s a platform dedicated to empowering creators like you to use your light and be a light in the world. Our mission is to help you develop and master a personal brand with Purpose. We’re here to help entrepreneurs and professionals create authentic brands that stand out and leave a lasting impact.
You'll learn how to master your media presence and transform your passion into profit. Tune in every week for a new episode!
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Podcast Production by: Julia McCall
Authentic Media Podcast
Branding Pays: How to Stand Out Online in 2025 | The Ultimate Guide ft. Anthony Blanco | Ep #3
In this episode, Danielle sits with business coach and podcast host Anthony Blanco as they share THE FRAMEWORK YOU NEED to build a profitable brand online.
You'll learn the framework on how to stand out online, the importance of living authentically, the mindset needed for success, and actionable steps to develop and monetize your personal brand. From finding clarity in your identity to leveraging social media platforms, this episode is packed with insights and strategies to help you make a meaningful impact.
Don't miss out on learning how to transform your passion into profit!
Come to my next Personal Branding Masterclass.
Connect with Anthony Blanco:
Podcast: The Coaching Department
IG: @anthonyblanco_coach
Learn more about the Podcast Blueprint.
0:00 - Intro
0:39 - Introducing Anthony Blanco
4:13 - What is Personal Branding?
7:53 - 1. Identifying Who You Are
9:24 - 2. Identify What You Want To Be Known For
14:07 - CORE
21:23 - The Podcast Blueprint
22:14 - 3. Crafting a Clear Message
38:14 - 4. Identify Who You Are Serving
44:37 - 5. Increase Your Digital Presence
51:32 - Final Takeaways
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Danielle: This week on the authentic media podcast, when it comes down to like, being the best version of who you are, if you are not living in authenticity, then you are truly not being
who you are.
We have to stop looking at money as a dangerous tool. At the end of the day, we have to buy back our time.
Anthony: Some people are extroverts.
because of what void they're trying to fill.
Danielle: Yeah.
Anthony: And then when you're trying to develop your personal brand and you don't realize that it is a very, very dangerous place to be.
Danielle: Have you ever wondered how to turn your passion into profit, how to attract clients, generate revenue, and also be the authority? Authority in your position. Welcome to today's episode. We are gonna be talking about how to build a profitable personal brand. I'm here with my good friend, Anthony Blanco . He's a business coach.
Mm-Hmm. speaker. Yes. Trainer. Also is a podcast host of his own podcast. Yeah.
Anthony: Ba Baby. Baby Podcast. Baby Podcast, baby. Podcast.
Danielle: Hey, we're still going to give you that credit. Um, and you're joining me today. We're kicking off my new podcast series, basically everything that has to do with personal branding.
And I'm excited to have my business coach here near with me to walk you guys through the five key steps and key points that you need to know when it comes to building a profitable brand. Anthony welcome.
Anthony: Hello. I'm so excited. I
Danielle: know. It's been a long time coming. I don't get to this space and I think I'm just like before we start recording.
I said, can we just talk about the growth moment for a second? Yes. Can we just have everyone go back to that other episode with you and I? In the hotel, we were in a, um, I think it was just like a seminar room conference room, like a little
Anthony: conference room. Yes.
Danielle: Like at the Cyrus hotel here in Topeka. And boy, I just say, thank you for your patience.
Anthony: Yeah, we had, yeah, we had, uh, uh, I don't remember. I think we both were wearing AirPods, ear pods connected to the mic or whatever it was. And then, um, like I can remember. Like you always show up looking fantastic and I, and, uh, cause I, like I shared with you a couple of months ago, I'm like, man, I'm going back and listening to our podcast and I do believe the content was good.
I said, but I looked like I just walked in off the streets.
Danielle: And I was just like, I look back at that, that young lady and I just say, wow, thank God for the growth.
Anthony: Well, it's, it's thank God for the growth, but it's thank God to be open to growing.
Danielle: That too. So. 100%. Yeah, a hundred percent. So I'm excited to have you here.
A part of this first, like I said, rebrand. Um, and I thought you were honestly the perfect person to kick this new series off when it comes to personal branding, because when we talk about growing and we talk about, um, you know, where you see yourself, you're constantly. He's that person next to me all the time.
That's like, okay, like nudging me. Okay. What's next? You should talk about this You should you should talk about that and I'm like, I don't know if I have enough expertise or knowledge He's like, it's okay. Like just start talking like so we're here today to talk about that.
Anthony: Yeah, I tack her in grocery store Sometimes I think she tries to hide from me like if she sees me Yeah, that's probably my problem is like too much, like, like all the time.
And yeah, so I see Danielle in a grocery store and I'm like, Oh, I've got like four more thoughts. Like here, you could do this and this and this and this and this and this. Yeah. She's like, stop.
Danielle: Yeah. No, it's good though, because honestly, it's led me to this space and to this point of what I call clarity.
And this has been an interesting year and that's going to be a whole different series that I'm going to talk about personally about just where I've been and I know people are like, dang, you had this great event and you went into hiding and it's like, there's a whole reason for that. Um, but yeah, so today we're talking about personal branding and why it matters.
Um, and then, yeah, kick us off here.
Anthony: All right. So, uh, personal branding is something that I know, um, like I've always told people, I'm like, Danielle is like this very polished person and I have always been like a super sweat pants and hoodie guy and hat. Um, and so just being around you has helped me reflect and up level my game.
And at the same time as understanding where you're coming from, and then I'm hearing and reading books about how to, how to build a personal brand that creates profit, right. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, like, is Danielle really going to make me do things without sweatpants and hoodies and ball caps? And so here we are.
Um, And so that leads us to like the things that you've been doing in the past. And, and we always say like, as remember talking about Alex Formosy, where he started was, he was just selling gym, like how to open a gym was how his deal. And so what he did is he ended up progressing to finding his brand that he does.
And so it's been fun to watch you on that journey. Yeah. And so like when you say, okay, so are we, we're rebranding what you do, right? Because you've been on this journey over the course of whatever it's been, like a year or two, like self discovery. Um, but you've always been, I would always say that you've always been in motion.
Right. Right. And that's the most important thing is how, how else are you going to discover what you should be? Create clarity on right if you're just sitting on a couch doing nothing. Yeah, and so you've been in motion You've been having events. You've been building courses. You've been talking to people And you're like, okay, so this or this or this isn't exactly what it is But I think but I think this thing over here is.
And so that thing over here, let's dive into that. So what is that thing over here? It's what I think you said when we got started, it's how to do your personal brand and make it profitable and the importance of it. Okay. So let's just go. Like I want to know Danielle Martin's secrets on this because I, again, she's, she's, she's a pretty polished lady.
Danielle: So let's listen. Can I just say thank you? Because, is. Yeah, like I've been reminiscing and really reflecting, I've, I've been reflecting rather on, um, just where I've been and where I am today. And I just see a huge amount of growth. Um, but the journey and the healing has been so necessary to get here. And so, like I said, I want to, I'm going to try my best.
Like, I can't talk about it here, but when it, Specifically when it does come to personal branding. And I first want to go back and like answer your question on why I am rebranding and essentially like people call it rebranding, but it's just like, it really comes down to like, you're just deciding who you really are and who, um, How to basically put that on display.
Right. And so for me, I am calling it a rebrand because I'm changing the name, um, to the podcast. Um, as you guys can see right now, it's called authentic media. And right now that's going to also be the business name. And so why even authentic media became the name is because if you know anything about me, I'm like an open book.
I'm like, I can't talk to anybody without being transparent and authentic. And when it comes down to like being the best version of who you are, if you are not living in authenticity, then you are truly not being who you
And so, um, the number one thing. I think it's so important that we have like this this um, if we can just get into it instead of building a personal brand that's profitable.
You have to identify like who you are at your core. Right. And so later on when I create this whole program, we are going to go into the acronym of what the core means, but like you have to start with that. And some people may think like, Oh my gosh, like that's so cliche, day, but it really is like it comes down to and I think I'll never forget the day.
That you told me that clarity brings confidence, like, and it's been stuck to me like glue, but it's so true that like, when you are so clear on who you are as an individual, your values, your systems, to where if anything were to come in your way, you know that like, okay, this is not aligned with my values.
So I can confidently say no to this thing. I can confidently say yes. To this because it aligns with where I'm trying to go, I can partner with you because we are in alignment with where I'm trying to be in, who I'm trying to be. And so I felt like it was necessary to rebrand everything to authentic media because one, as I'm communicating to people about helping them build a personal brand, I want them to know the first thing that you have to be is authentic.
Anthony: Yes.
Danielle: Right. And that's why that had to be in the name, but media is just like, okay, so I'm learning this about personal branding. So the next step is like, you have to basically identify what you want to be known for. Right. And so when people look at me, I, I tend to ask myself like, like, what do they think about?
Right. They may think, okay, she's a TV host. She has a podcast. She does events, right. Which is great. But if I want to be known for one thing, one generic thing, it's, it's media, anything that has to do with media. Right. Right. So that's the whole essence of why authentic media came together. And, um, it's essentially now like.
Literally, I'm in the process of building it. I'm in the process of creating the language, but if we had to come down to when it comes to building a profitable brand, identify who you are at your core, and that requires you to do some internal work,
Anthony: it requires you to have to, one, slow down,
Danielle: yes,
Anthony: to do that work.
Danielle: A hundred percent.
Anthony: Two is you have to, um, turn off the noise. And what I mean by noise, and from my perspective is. Who you think other people want you to show up as?
Danielle: Oh my gosh. A hundred percent. And I, I honestly had to do that. So after the Rise and Dive event, I literally did go into this, like. Like this tunnel vision space, um, which I found out, like, that's a whole thing when you, um, put out all of your energy towards this one project.
And then you tend to like pull back a little bit, like there's a reason why that happens. Um, but it's, it's a good energy that your soul needs and your spirit needs. And so for me, I, I had to literally, I literally just like pulled back from everything. And I just went in and I just said, okay. Danielle, like, who are you?
Are you happy with, like, who you are and what you are creating? And I think there was a lot of, um, things that arised that I didn't realize was necessary, that needed healing, but it's so, it's so necessary for you to take the time. To do that. So when you are creating and you are going out in the world and you are showing up on podcasts and on all of these different projects on stages, as a coach, when you're showing up in front of your clients, people can feel.
When you are not being authentic right people can feel when you're not being truly who you are As a person that is a consumer We know when we're being sold things like we know like okay This is not what they truly believe in right, right and I felt like for so long Not necessarily putting on a facade, but it was just more so you said it earlier.
I was showing up at As what other people wanted me to be. Yeah. And I was losing myself.
Anthony: Yes. Yeah. The, um, and you and I have been jamming out about Myron Golden. Yes. And he talks about the three different types of identity. And yeah, the first identity is the lie identity. That's the identity that the world tries to give you.
Yeah. Okay. And so that's like on social media, what you read, what you watch. What you pay attention to, uh, tells you how you should think or feel about whatever it is, ranging from politics or what, how you dress, like all kinds of different things, right? So that's the lie dentity. And then there is the my dentity.
My dentity is Like 80 percent based upon the lie identity. So it's how, so my identity. So maybe what you were doing is you were trying to project who you thought that they wanted to see based upon what they get marketed to and sold on all the other media. So you try it. You're trying to. You're trying to make an impact in them based upon what they want.
So you're not being your authentic self because then you're constantly asking yourself, am I doing the right thing? Am I showing up? So you're, it's like second guessing constantly. Am I doing the right thing? And then there is identity. And so for those, uh, for those people that, um, are faith bound, like you're faith bound, I'm faith bound.
And so for us, like, I'm like, who did, Who did God created me and create me to be. And when I live in that full person and that's when it goes back to the confidence creates clarity. And now all of a sudden you're not asking yourself, who do I need to be for them? I mean, you want to still provide value, right?
But you're not trying to dictate how you show up in the world. Based upon somebody else's lie identity. And then you turn it to your, my identity instead of being authentically you.
Danielle: And I think this is where, so in the acronym core that everyone will find in the program, the first, um, thing when it comes to identifying who you are as at your core is the C is the clarity, right?
So we identify what your purpose is, um, clarity in your purpose. And then, but the O is the ownership of your voice. Right. Which is so important because you have to understand the thoughts that are in your head, because in some way you are exerting it out in your energy, in your actions. And if the thoughts in your own head are negative, you are going to portray negative actions and vice versa.
If it's positive, it's going to come out positive. Come out positive, but we have to take ownership of the voice that's in our mind because the most powerful tool in our body is our minds. And so. I am looking forward to like helping people understand the first key to branding is identifying your core and in that is your clarity, um, in your, in your purpose and also your ownership of your voice.
And then the R following that is we are going to figure out how to real time apply what we are learning, right? Because that's. It's important to figure out, okay, all of these things that I'm learning, how do I apply it and make it, um, real? So it's going to be real time, like application. And then the last letter E is going to be the execution to monetization, because at the end of the day, we have to stop looking at, and I had to work on this myself, but stop looking at money as a dangerous tool.
It is a powerful tool that we can control. And that's why the program is called from passion to profit. At the end of the day, we have to buy back our time. Our time is important and looking at money as a tool, as a driving like mechanism and tool that could be really not like, okay. Money brings all happiness.
No, but money can buy things that you need and money can give you the like the resources and give you access to opportunity that you weren't granted to if you didn't have any money. Right. So that's why the profit and the monetization is key. But if we were also to take, to take a step back and identify what personal branding is, because a lot of people are like, okay, I want to create a personal brand or how do I monetize my personal brand?
But they think about the logos and the website and like all of the external things that like don't matter. But if, if I were to come down to one. Thing that personal branding is it's your reputation.
Anthony: Yes. It is
Danielle: what people say about you when no one is looking,
Anthony: it
Danielle: is what people say about you when you are not in the room, it is literally just one key thing, personal branding is your reputation, who are you when no one is looking as well, and what are people saying about you when you're not around, but the interesting thing too, Anthony, that I really wanted to share was, um, when I looked into, um, Personal braining sounds like I really want to know, like the Google version of what personal braining is, and it literally was defined as the process of intentionality of intentionally defining and promoting one's identity.
Values and skills to the public. And interestingly, I'm like, okay, as I'm Googling, I see this other like definition that pops up from Harvard. And it says, I kid you not an intentional strategic practice in which you define and express your own value proposition. So how are you being intentional? Right. As you're showing up in the world in everything that you do.
Everything that you do is your personal brand, everything, how you treat people, how you communicate to people, how you show up, how you appear, how you dress, like you are sending a message. And so I think it's important that We all take time and identify What is my personal brand?
Anthony: Well, it was it's interesting.
So, uh, I read a book a while back ago by Damon John and it was on negotiations Well, he was talking about the the power I think it's called power broker or something like that. And the way he says is 90 percent of negotiations happen before you ever show up to the table.
Danielle: 100%.
Anthony: Right. And so when he goes into his reputation, I mean he hammers on reputation.
So when whether you're working for yourself as a business or you're trying to build a business or you're a corporation or you're a employee or team member as a part of the business, is that everybody is looking you up. To see who you are, you know, and so
Danielle: nowadays, what's funny is,
Anthony: Oh, and what's really funny is that people get, um, I would say, um, lower thinkers about like this kind of thing.
They're like, well, they shouldn't look me up on social media. That's my private Facebook. I'm like, yeah. If I'm an employer, I'm going to go hunt you down on social media, and I'm going to look up to see how you show up in the world.
Danielle: Even before I meet people, like, if I'm meeting a stranger or something, I'm like, what's your social media?
That's right. And like, it's interesting because like, that is the world and the day and age that we live in. It's kind of like a blessing and a curse, but it's also like, Who are you on social media? Because there's so many facades and personas and masks that we meet. Um, what do people call it? It's, um, oh my gosh, you're like the person that you show up as it's coming to the surface.
Like an
Anthony: avatar or something? Like an
Danielle: avatar, but. Like the person, your representative, your representative is what people are showing up as, but it's not fully who they are. It's like this vast version of themselves that they hope to be or wish to be. Which is something that I read this morning in like the book, um, by Joe Dispenza of like breaking the habit of being yourself is like the identity gap that we are all navigating is who you are versus like who you really want to be.
Correct. And it's just interesting because I think a lot of us are living in that identity gap. We think that we're showing up as who we think we are, but who you really are in real life and in the physical realm is. It's something completely different.
Anthony: Absolutely. And that, I was actually going to ask you that on the first part when you're saying being, being, uh, authentically you is I frequently argue, have the argument with people.
And I say argument, we're not really arguing, but it's like a debate or questions I ask, much like with you and I are jamming. I'm like, is that really you?
Danielle: Or is
Anthony: that who you want people to see you as? Right? Because when people are, when they're talking about personal branding and I want to be seen, but is that really you?
Right. And it's okay if it's not, but that's the question that people have to ask themselves. So going like through your steps to say, who am I really? Again, the goal goes back to confidence is going to create the clarity, which will enhance their message. Will it, which enhance like how they're showing up to the, to everybody, whether again, whether you're a business.
Corporate whatever.
Danielle: Right. Hey there. Quick question for you. Have you ever thought to yourself you want to launch a podcast, but you think the podcasting industry is oversaturated? Well, you're right. But did you know that the podcasting industry is worth over 37 billion dollars? So if you don't have a podcast right now, honey, You are leaving money on the table.
Having a podcast is the perfect opportunity to showcase your expertise, connect with your ideal clients, and elevate your brand and your business. This is why I created the podcast blueprint. In just seven days, you'll learn how to launch a podcast from scratch. That's right. In just seven days, you'll be able to go.
So if you're interested, go ahead and find that link down below. In the meantime, let's get back to today's episode.
Anthony: All right. So knowing, so again, first of all, you have to know who you are, which will help you gain that confidence, great clarity. And that clarity leads to, uh, I think what I've heard you say is a clear message.
Right. So those first steps almost have to be in alignment before you can actually develop that clear message. So talk, talk to me about that.
Danielle: Yeah. And that first step, it's definitely going to take a lot of work. So I'm looking forward to coaching people through that, but definitely, like you said, to get to that clear message, first of all, it's kind of difficult to identify what your message is in this space of, um, Oversaturation, right?
Feeling as if everyone's doing the same thing. How am I going to stand out? Like, these are the questions that I hear constantly that people are saying, or, and I understand cause I used to be there. I used to be one of those people. That's like, everyone's doing a podcast or everyone is creating courses.
How am I going to stand out? These are valid questions, but I'll never forget when Amy Porterfield said to me, Which is a phenomenal human being, um, in the digital course world. And so when you talk about personal branding and like when people, when you're being known for that one thing, when you say digital courses, people automatically think of Amy Porterfield, right?
And one of the things that she says is in order to figure out who you are and to figure out your brand message, you got to get off the sidelines. If you're constantly on the sidelines. Trying to ask yourself all of these questions, you're gonna delay the time it takes for you to actually get there.
Right? Right. And so I think when it comes to crafting your clear message on who you are, how you represent yourself, go back to the basics. I, I'm sure people are familiar with this. I help statement, which is. Basically saying I help blank and you're identifying like who your avatar is, your customer, your client, and what are you helping them to do and what results are you trying to get them to achieve, right?
So it's just like identifying your customer client, um, your key ideal client. What, what are you going to help them figure out? What problem are you helping them solve and what results are you going to get them to get? And so I think it starts with a simple framework like that and walking through that process.
But I think in order to do that is again, you have to really start with, um, what are you hoping to achieve? What do you want to be known for asking yourself those questions as well? Because. When it comes to helping other people and coaching other people, I really think it comes down to creating from a clear space and not a space of chaos.
And I think you said it earlier that a lot of people are creating from a space to be seen. And it's interesting because as I'm growing more into who I am meant to be, I'm realizing that like, you have to take away the thought of wanting to be somebody. Right. And really be, like, just mentally think that, like, I'm serving to be nobody.
Right. Right. Cause it's not really about you. It's about the people.
Anthony: Right. And because of that, is that because you are creating this, this, this whole thought process around maximizing value to the, whoever you're serving is that, and there's, there's, uh, I believe in the Bible is it talks about the one who is to become least is to become the most.
Yes. Right. So if we are so focused on serving people at the level that they need to be served
Danielle: Right.
Anthony: We'll get taken care of.
Danielle: 100%. We're all here to be really a hand of what God has put us in.
Anthony: And I see people, including myself, like I was talking about it with, with Evie this morning on a walk. And I said the, the clarity of the message of what, what I do has to be, keep on being refined.
Danielle: Yeah. A hundred percent. Because what I
Anthony: see what people do with their personal brand is they become a, and I, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, oh yeah, I can do that. Oh yes, I can do that too. Oh yes, I can do that too. And, and I believe they're coming from a place of scarcity. So if I don't, if I'm doing something and I, and I don't take whatever I tell them that I can do and I do 57 things,
Danielle: then
Anthony: I won't be able to make that sale.
Danielle: Yeah.
Anthony: Right. Or be able to serve them to make profit. So they have to be ridiculously clear, like what you're talking about on what they're doing. Service help is yes. And then there'll be paid at a higher level to the right people.
Danielle: Yeah. Let's talk about that because that's so good that you're bringing this up.
Because I remember when I was going, um, through this journey of like podcasting and I was diving into this, like online digital space and like online business and like, Oh my God, like it's just a whole different world out there. Right. And so if you're not in it, I understand from the outside looking in, you're like You know, what is that?
Is there a such thing? But it's like, no, in the online world, it is so oversaturated and overwhelming that like, yeah, if you don't have a clear message or a clear identity on what you want to be known for, you can get wiped out. Right. And so the interesting, interesting thing that I've heard constantly is that you have to focus on one thing is not something for some reason that nowadays we don't want to accept, right.
And I'm not gonna lie. I was like, but I have this and this and this and this and I can do all these things. And I literally said to you before we got started, I said, Anthony. I'm understanding now more, more than ever that I can't do everything. That's
Anthony: right.
Danielle: And I feel, I feel so much like release. And it's interesting because the moment that I, I recognize that, and now that I'm walking fully into this space of like, I know I can set up a podcast.
I know I can record. I know I can edit. Does it mean that I have to, does it mean that I should, does it mean that I have to be all these different things when I can just buy back my time by getting someone else to do it? And so I think that it is so beautiful that if you have multiple gifts, because I believe we all do, I don't believe we all just have one gift.
It does not mean that you can't pursue that gift eventually. It just means that in the beginning, as you are starting to. Um, create a foundation for your personal brand. I encourage you to please just focus on one thing. So that one thing could be the vehicle to take you to the destination that you want to be, which is like really a space where you can.
Operate in all of those things, right? And then over time, you honestly might realize that, you know what? I did enjoy that at one point in time, but now I actually have this other interest, which goes back to, um, just where I originally started my podcast. It was from a self fulfilling place, right? I mean, anytime we start businesses or, you know, something, it's like, okay, I'm good at this thing.
Um, I can serve people in this way, or I enjoy doing this thing. Let me figure out how I can. Turn it into a business and that's beautiful. But over time, the business and the strategy is going to catch up with you.
Anthony: Right. And you
Danielle: got to figure out like, okay, I got to choose one thing to focus on.
Anthony: Yeah. And that's, that's what I was telling you this morning.
I was like. I can't. So when someone's like, well, what do you do? My head goes into my catalog back here. Yeah. You're like,
Danielle: let see, I have, I can do this. Pull out there, I can do this, I can
Anthony: do this, I could do this, I could do this, I could do this, I could do this. And I said, in reality, and this is what I've been really digging in and like going through this here is, is very helpful.
Is just thinking of Anthony, what, what do you execute on at a very high level that's very different than everybody else. Yes. Uh, not because I'm. Not because I'm trying to be different, right? It's just different. Right. I'm not trying to be different. Right. I'm just doing like when you're talking about doing an analysis and going through and discovery, like that's where I'm at right now is like, where is my highest level of genius?
Yes. Right. And then living inside that high level genius. And then what I've recently discovered. So for somebody like you, who's like an expert on personal branding and taking that to the marketplace is also like, I have friends that are, uh, COOs that specialize in operations. I've got friends who can do different personality assessments and saying, can I, can I do operations?
Yes. Can I do. Team building. Yes. Can I do X, Y, Z? Yes. And it's saying, I don't, I, that's not my highest level of genius. Right. Right. Right here is my highest level of genius. Right. So I think that right there, that I like, that's good. Got it. Yeah. And I think that's, that's what I want people to get and understand with what you're sharing is they're trying to maybe make money, make profit because they have 37 things to offer to try to get a little bit here and there.
Yeah. But in reality, what they're doing is they're squishing their opportunity for some to serve somebody in a greater capacity and because they don't have enough. People and so they're trying to get a lot of sales off of few people as opposed to finding lots of people to make fewer sales. Does that make sense?
Danielle: And then if we were to like package this in a way to where we're speaking to, let's say business, um, online business owners who are coaches and they have courses and they have digital products. When you are not clear on the thing that you do, you are unable to create a clear offer and then you're unable to Send people down.
I mean, you're, you're essentially now sending people down all of these different rabbit holes instead of one clear funnel that is going to send them to eventually work with you. Cause if you think about it at the end of the day, people want to work with you because you're you, people buy from you because you're you, they don't buy what you're selling.
Right. They buy like how you are and how you present yourself. Like, so that's why I think going back to. And I know we keep like hitting the nail on it, but I think going back to figuring out who you are, identifying, um, how you want to represent yourself in the workplace, how you want to show up on, you know, on zoom, on your coaching calls, like all of those things matter.
Right. Which is why for me, I show up like this, like, this is like me operating in my highest genius self. Like I love dressing up. I love, you know, being on, but then other times you see me on, on the podcast, I have like. T shirts on and because I want people to get comfortable with like both sides of me as far as like I can operate and I can present very well in both areas are in both different styles.
Right? So it's like giving your audience a taste of who you are. Right. Which I think is important because, as you are showing up and as you're representing yourself. Again, you are now building an emotional connection with someone. And that is essentially the third piece that we have to go down the list, building connections with people.
We're building on an emotional level, right? And we are connecting because you see me, I see you, essentially people connect externally because they're like, Oh, I like the way your hair is. I like the way you're dressing. So you're forming a connection. Then after that, we're opening conversation. We're opening dialogue.
We're trying to find the connection. What's the connection here, right? And if people can't connect with you because of how your personality is, or people can't connect with you because of your nasty attitude, um, if there's a disconnect, it doesn't mean that it's a bad thing. It just means that they're not your clients.
Anthony: That's right. It just is. We don't have to help everybody. We can't
Danielle: know. And I think that's where, what, where you have to identify. Okay. Who do I want to help and why? I think we hear miles monroe says this all the time, but you have to be so obsessed with your client's problems Right, right to the point to where it doesn't matter what they say in a different way, you know how to solve it And so I think i'm starting to understand that more and more is that people don't have a personal brand problem They have a identity problem.
Anthony: Absolutely
Danielle: They have no idea who they are.
Anthony: Correct.
Danielle: Um, he says that people don't have, um, a problem. They have an awareness problem,
Anthony: correct?
Danielle: And when I'm realizing that, okay, when I hear awareness, it makes me think of self awareness, are you self aware of who you are and how you show up? Are you self aware that maybe when you talk to specific people, you're not People, you're not talking to them from authentic space.
You're talking to them because you're trying to quote unquote, be a nice person, but really deep down, you're putting on a mask. You're putting on a full face. So I think really dissecting and figuring out, really being self aware of yourself that maybe like, for me, I had to learn, I can't be everywhere as much as, as a social butterfly that I am.
I'm so extrovert. I could be outside all day, but as I'm growing into this new journey, I'm recognizing that stillness is peace. Yes. Stillness is like, oh my gosh. I feel like I can speak from a clear space. I know what I'm saying. Right. Because I have taken time to silence the noise. Yes. I've taken time to literally get rid of social media and not.
Um, and so I've, I've gotten myself to this space where I don't need to look at other people for ideas.
Anthony: So you talked about being extrovert.
Danielle: Yeah.
Anthony: I would say that some people are extroverts because that's who they are. just are. And I will say that some people are, and there could even be a scale. Yeah. And I will say that some people are extroverts.
because of what void they're trying to fill. So I need to be seen so I can, so people give me good hair, nice dress. You're awesome. So I don't feel complete inside. I have a hole. Yeah. And so I'm an extrovert out here. So people give me, so they fill my cup and then when you're trying to develop your personal brand and you don't realize that it is a very, very dangerous place to be because you're constantly producing content, value, whatever it is again.
Trying to please people
Danielle: right
Anthony: as opposed to execute with value,
Danielle: right? You said so much
Anthony: Yes
Danielle: I'm, I want to say so much right now, but I just
Anthony: like,
Danielle: let me just keep it,
Anthony: that'll be a different podcast.
Danielle: That's going to be a different podcast. Oh, that's so good. Literally you said so much though, because like.
You can't be all things to all people. That's
Anthony: right.
Danielle: Essentially is what you're saying. Yes. And so I'm just going to keep it there because yes, that is a whole different podcast, which we can dive into of you have to identify who you're serving and why. Because if you try to meet the needs of everyone, you are going to lose yourself.
And you're going to lose out on the people you're supposed to serve. That's correct. Essentially. And so I think it's important to say, like, I help small business owners figure out how to develop an authentic brand so they can make the impact that they need to make. Right. And it's something that has to be so simple.
Right. Like simple speaking from a third grade level, because later on, you can dive into it. Like your business and your website, all of that can be kind of like the portfolio or resume of like why you help those people. But like, essentially you have to start, we're speaking from a space of like how to really create a profitable brand.
You have to start with the basics. And I think you and I, Anthony have gone through this space where we think that we can like skip all of these steps and we're like, okay, but how do I get there? Like, how do I get there? And it's like, We keep hearing the same thing, like you got to nail it. You got to hit one thing, become known for one thing right now.
Right. And then expand later. That's right. You can get creative later.
Anthony: And I think that I was, um, I think you and I've had this conversation a couple of times where like, I don't want to just do this or that. That's not who I am. You know, but then after reading books and listening to podcasts for people that have already done it, like, they're like, listen, niche in, work here.
Develop that yeah, once you're successful then expand expand. Yeah, right So they're not so it's not a you can't do this, you know do an expansion or these other things. It's that in order to Uh develop the the the workflow develop the thought process develop the confidence develop the clarity all the stuff Niche in Then expand.
Danielle: I just thought of something just now that I think is so golden. Can I say it?
Anthony: Yes
Danielle: building a profitable brand Is essentially starting with you, meaning that you are profitable before you even become profitable. So if you start to think in your mind that I am profitable, I am resourceful, I am wealthy, right, it goes back to these affirmations that matter.
But when we are living in this scarcity or this hustle mindset, which is why I'm understanding that hustle is no longer sexy, you know, because when you are operating or creating from that space, the energy that you're exerting out, people feel that. And so I think that's why for me, I can be honest when I was creating my online course, I was literally creating from a scarcity mindset that like, Oh my God, no one's going to buy this thing.
Is any, is anybody going to buy this thing? Please buy it. Like, I'm literally just like, like I'm exerting all of this, like survival energy, which is why nobody's buying. What?
Anthony: Yeah.
Danielle: That, of course, nobody's buying. People can feel that.
Anthony: That's right.
Danielle: So it's like you have to go back to you and you have to say to yourself, I am profitable before I, I already physically can see that I am.
Anthony: Yeah. And just like that or anything that we've ever done, uh, as projects that we've done in our past, not necessarily together, but just like you building that, like that, I always, I always tell people to rewrite that story. Like it wasn't for people. It was for you to discover who you were to become.
That's the profit that you're talking about, right? And so to redefine profit, people think profit is money because that's the way it's talked about. But yeah, things that you and I listened to, um, like a great guy named Jim Rohn says, he says, Jim Rohn, a business philosopher, not the, not the ESPN or wherever he's at.
Uh, for sports, but it's leave a profit wherever you are. And so that, that in some of the instances where we talk about with our kids is that if you go into a bathroom and there's three or four paper towels on the counter in a public restroom and you didn't put the paper towels there. Right. But you take those paper towels and you throw 'em away in the trash, you now just left a profit.
Wow. Yeah. And that's the profit mindset.
Danielle: Yeah. Right?
Anthony: But people don't operate Well, that's, that's not my job. Mm-Hmm. . Ooh.
Danielle: That's your reputation now.
Anthony: That's your reputation. That's not my job. That's not my job to take care of that. You're right. It's not. But now I know how your thinking is
Danielle: and you know how many people have that mindset, even as they're working for a corporate company.
Right. So at this time, right now, I. still am operating my full time job. But that mentality is going to kill you. And that mentality is not going to get you anywhere. Whether you are working for yourself or you're working for somebody else. The that is not my job mentality does not serve you, nor does it serve the person that you were called to be or called where you are.
And you are essentially saying and communicating, right? Going back to the way you communicate, we're always communicating all the time, is that if you have that mindset and you operate like that, then that is what you're going to be known for. Is this person that one, we can't trust this person that we can't lean on or look at as a team player because you are communicating, that's not my job.
Right. So you are now communicating that I can't rely on you.
Anthony: Yeah. And I, and I will even say that, like, it's, it's important, it's, it's important to understand that other people feel that. Yeah. It's more important to me that I know that you're thinking that for you. Because if I know that you're thinking that for you, I know the trajectory of your thought process with everything in life.
Wow. Yeah. So it's, it's, and again, it's less important. How other people see you
Danielle: right is
Anthony: if you don't see the mistake you're making in your own mind
Danielle: Because
Anthony: the rest of it will happen if you take care of that
Danielle: become aware of who you are. Please do the work.
Anthony: Yeah I think we've talked about like everything has gone back to like point number one,
Danielle: literally.
So you should just, you know, let me coach you. Yeah. Right.
Anthony: Yeah. Okay. So that's like, uh, developing your help statement, but it all boiled back down to know you are, so you know how to help people, um, build connections, build a positive reputation. Yeah. Um, I know that was something that we wanted to talk about.
But I did. I. I think we covered that, like go connections, increase your digital presence. I really don't think we've touched on that. And I know, okay, so let's dig into that.
Danielle: Yeah. So increasing your digital presence, this is really kind of like the, this is the area where, okay, this is where your business is starting, right?
If you are a startup business and you're like, okay, I think I'm ready to put myself out there. Like this is the area. area where I would say, like, this is where business starts. And this is also where, um, coach Anthony is here to share his wisdom with us. We're going to do another podcast that talks about what it, what it means to actually start a business, get your business off the ground.
So definitely tune into that. But if you don't have a business right now, like, Essentially, if we're talking to online business owners, if we're talking to people that have a product, the way to increase your digital presence is getting a podcast, getting on YouTube, getting comfortable with social media.
I'm speaking to, I would say the generation that is trying to avoid social media. I'm sorry, you can't. Um, there's so many stats that recognize and. Really qualify Um that social media is necessary. It's it's just another Tool a marketing tool that you're going to be seeing Um, I know so many businesses that are brick and border and they don't have a social media presence and that is killing their business Unfortunately, but it's just like it's where we are right now.
We have to catch up with the times so wherever you are, depending on like what your business is, I think getting active, um, I would say on the main platforms of like, you know, Instagram, Facebook, um, LinkedIn, even LinkedIn, people are sleeping on LinkedIn. It's like, oh my God, LinkedIn is becoming like the, like not even the new, but it is the most prolific.
Um, digital space that I think we are all ignoring. And I think it's because we are, you know, looking at it as like, Oh, it's just, where are you go look for jobs? It's like, no, it is becoming like such a high profile platform that we're ignoring. And we're kind of putting to the side and saying, well, I don't need to look for a job, so I don't need to promote there.
It is definitely where you need to promote, especially if your business is trying to get to six to seven figures. That's where your clients are. Yes, they're on LinkedIn. Um, so I think don't avoid that area, but if you, again, going back to, depending on what your business is, if you don't have, if you have all of those basic social media platforms and you're like, okay, I'm ready to be seen in a different way, this is where I encourage YouTube and podcasting, um, because.
Anthony, I don't know if you saw the recent news, but this lady, Alex Cooper, that just gets a hundred million dollar deal for podcasting
Anthony: for
Danielle: podcasting. Omar
Anthony: talked about that.
Danielle: Podcasting is working. Like, do you guys hear us in the mountain? Talks? Right. And so I even, it was like really a switch for me to say, like, I got to get myself in gear and be consistent because I've talked about having my own talk show for a while, and it just goes back to me being in my own way.
But basically what I'm saying is that podcasting works. You can make it work for your business. Um, and so a way to do that is. figure out in your business model, where in marketing are you lacking? And then increase that value there, right? And so I think the way to increase your digital presence is figuring out what, what do you want your clients to know about you?
Right. And then ask yourself, okay, how can we package this? In a way to where we can give our clients or our consumer something for free. Everyone likes something free, right? So start there, start giving away something for free, blasts it on all of the platforms, talk about it, get people to come in. And then from there, you send them into your funnel, through your email lists, you get them going.
And then now you have them captivated in your email list. And then from there, how are you nurturing them? Right. So I think that, um, starting with increasing your digital presence just means getting on all the platforms. And I will say. I will say that we are also sleeping on Pinterest and Etsy.
Anthony: I heard something about Pinterest the other day.
They're like, Oh, it was a, it was a social media scheduler. They're like, and you can, you can directly pen. I'm like, why would you want to put anything on Pinterest? Like, cause that's probably ignorant. I'm like, I don't know. Why do you want to be on
Danielle: Pinterest? Cause we go on there for storyboards or visuals.
But I don't
Anthony: even know what you're talking about for that. I don't know anything about Pinterest. Oh
Danielle: my God. Okay. So usually Pinterest is where people go for like ideas and stuff and like vision boards and things like that. But I think the only person, the influencer that I know right now talking about Pinterest is, I think her name is Jenna Ketcher.
I think it's Ketcher. Yeah. Um, I, I know her and Amy. Our best friends, Amy Porterfield, but yeah, if you, if you know anything about Jenna, go check her out. She talks all about Pinterest and I was following her for a while and I was even looking at her like, girl, ain't nobody on Pinterest. Like who was on Pinterest?
But literally I was telling Michael the other day, last night, I said, Hey, do you know Pinterest is becoming like the new Instagram? And he's like, yeah, where have you been? And I'm like, Oh, okay. So basically looking at Pinterest, when you recognize as you're going on the app and you're looking for, let's say, I'm looking for some like apartment style ideas for my apartment, I want to figure out like, you know, different designs for my living room.
If you notice that when you click on certain items, it takes you to a different link. What if you are one of those items that sends them to your business page? You know what I mean? So basically it's just another, like, I would say collage of like photos that you could be included in to get people to now be sent to your website, your digital product, your offer.
But yeah, it's just another place to be seen.
Anthony: Yeah.
Danielle: That nobody's thinking about. So here you go. Get a head start.
Anthony: Yeah, and one of the books I just finished Uh was talking about becoming internet famous And he was basically saying that it wasn't really about being famous as far as every like going viral It was more about when people come looking for you based upon something else They said that there is a digital footprint of you everywhere and so if they go if if you're saying here's who I am and you're Talking to people, but then let's say if I go do a speech, and then people are like, well, who's Anthony Blanco?
And I have no digital footprint anywhere? And they're like, mm. Yeah, I don't know if I believe that. Right. Because he's nowhere, he's not on LinkedIn. He's not on social media. Mm-Hmm. He's not on this. He's not on this. Yeah. So the, my words don't match up. And people will be like, well, that just shouldn't be, well, it doesn't matter what shouldn't be.
It just is. That's just the environment that we're in. So we've got to show up. All right. So let's land the plane because you and I, I mean,
Danielle: we can talk forever. We, we really can't, we should forewarn them that like, this is not going to be the last time. Yeah. So we're just getting warmed up. We've
Anthony: got some ideas for the future.
So we talked, yeah. So we talked about identifying who you are and the importance of that. We talked about. Crafting a clear message, which was bound about knowing who you are. Yeah. We talked about building connections by building a positive rep, uh, reputation. Okay. And then we talked about building a digital presence.
And then earlier you talked about, uh, buying back your time. Yeah, right. So I would say like from what I remember and everything that we discussed just to create clarity for everybody like during this Those were the nuggets. Yeah of everything that you shared, right? Um, and and I really appreciated the flow because it's like here's we're going to talk about in this kind of order But just because the natural flow right we covered what we wanted to cover.
Definitely. Okay So what I want to do is I want you to wrap up Uh with what has been shared. What are your final takeaways? What's your final? You Thing that you want to share with everybody.
Danielle: Yeah. I think, um, initially and overall, if you take anything away from like what we're talking about today is really trying to build your own personal brand.
It starts with you and it starts with knowing who you are, but also figuring out what your reputation is in the environment you're currently in. And if you are recognizing that, you know what? I don't like who I am today. You have the power and the opportunity to change it. And that's the good news. And so I think, I hope that what we're talking about is definitely from a very like surface level, we can definitely go even deeper.
And we definitely plan to, in a couple of episodes coming up. And if there's something that either of you, or if anyone is like, I want to learn more about. About this point, um, definitely let us know. We would love to turn your idea and make it reality by talking about it here on the show. But, um, I really would just say like becoming profitable starts with you and it starts with believing in your mind.
And, um, there's so many different ways that you could make money and be successful, but whatever you are doing, like. Take time and be still. Take time and just figure out who you are and is your business serving you in the way that you want it to, and if it's not, it's time to take a step back and evaluate.
Anthony: Right. So if people want to take these steps, if they want to learn more about them, what is their best way to get in touch with you? Like, what are you, what are you offering them to focus on? Go down further down this conversation.
Danielle: Yeah. Okay. So I'm really excited about this because I'm going to be offering a masterclass on how to build a personal brand.
It's going to be coming up here soon. So definitely go ahead and, uh, look at the description below and we will get you that link. Um, but yeah, definitely. Join me and us on this journey, because you're going to be seeing a lot of Anthony and I, um, team working, collaborating, uh, we've been waiting for this moment to come into fruition.
And this is just where also to have you find someone that aligns with your values and where you see your business going, like definitely collaborate with that person because we are pushing each other out of each other's comfort zones. But, um, yeah, I'm having a masterclass. Coming up. So definitely join me there.
We're going to dive into a little bit more on how you can take who you are as a person and actually amplify it into the digital realm. So we're going to dive into that in the masterclass. It's one hour. So definitely just join me and yeah, there's gonna be a lot of other exciting things coming out too.
So let's go to find out. I
Anthony: look forward to it.
Danielle: So, well, hopefully it doesn't give me any more ideas, but
Anthony: yeah.
Danielle: Well, we're just gonna stay here.
Anthony: Yeah. All right. Well, everybody have a good day
Danielle: If that's it, we'll see you guys next time. All right Thanks for watching the authentic media podcast youtube at authentic media company our mission is to help you you develop an authentic brand so you can make the impact that you are called to make.
If you got anything from today's episode, make sure you drop a comment down below. I'm interested to see what your takeaways are, and if you haven't already, make sure you're subscribed to our YouTube channel so you can be the first to know when we drop our newest episode. In the meantime, have a great day.